C20-2023-004 Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Overlay
C20-2023-004 Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Overlay
The City of Austin is proposing changes to the Land Development Code to create regulations that would apply to non-single-family properties that are located generally within 1/2 mile of the Project Connect Austin Light Rail Phase 1 project alignment and the Priority Extensions (also known as the Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD) Overlay). This webpage explains what ETOD is and describes the proposed changes.
Summary of Adopted Changes
Create two combining districts:
ETOD Overlay combining district (ETOD) restricts certain non-transit supportive uses
ETOD Density Bonus District (DBETOD) creates an optional density bonus program that includes development-related incentives and community benefit requirements, including affordable housing and protections for certain residents and businesses
Rezone certain lots with ½ mile of the Phase 1 Austin Light Rail alignment and priority extensions to ETOD and DBETOD
DBETOD Density Bonus District adopted changes include:
Establish requirements for developments to provide income-restricted affordable housing or a fee-in-lieu, with different tiers of affordability requirements based on the total height (i.e., 60', 90', or 120' tall) of the new building.
Require ground-floor commercial space or civic spaces and set design standards
Allow buildings 120’ tall within a ¼ mile of the future light rail line, and buildings 90’ tall between ¼ and ½-mile of the light rail line
Allow less restrictive compatibility height limits and modify/supersede other site development standards that limit housing capacity
Require the replacement of existing market-rate and income-restricted affordable housing and certain kinds of commercial space
Allow residential units in all base zones
Click to view the ETOD info sheet for a more detailed summary of the adopted changes.
Click to view the ETOD Overlay and ETOD rezoning adopted ordinances.
Public Hearing Information and Timeline
Public hearings are an opportunity to have your voice heard on proposed changes to the Land Development Code.