Question title

To what degree does this plan meet your expectations in addressing the needs of your community?

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What are you pleased to see in the plan?

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What is missing from the plan?

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Question title

What else would you like to share about the draft plan?

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Read the Summary

A summary of the drafted funding allocations can be viewed in the document below. 

Review the Full Draft

To read the full FY25-29 Consolidated Plan, click the image below. 


Community Engagement Report

This first phase of the community engagement report reflects the community needs we heard throughout the initial community needs assessment. This input has informed the first draft of the funding strategy.  A second phase of the report will be produced over the next few months as engagement continues. The phase 2 report will show not only how feedback is used within the finalized consolidated plan but will also include other efforts the Housing Department is making to address community needs.