What is a food plan?

A food plan sets clear goals and strategies to move toward a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient food system and provides a coordinating structure for all food-related initiatives.

Our food plan vision statement:

"We envision a just, accessible, and culturally diverse food system, built by undoing inequities, that supports and sustains inclusive thriving communities, healthy ecosystems, and solutions to climate change where everyone can reach their full potential now and for generations to come."

How did we get here?

In June 2021, the Austin City Council passed a resolution directing the development of a five-year food plan for Austin/Travis County. In December 2022, the Travis County Commissioners Court voted to formally join the planning process to ensure that the plan includes all Travis County residents. Since then, hundreds of community members across Austin/Travis County have been working tirelessly on all aspects of the planning process to bring you these draft goals and strategies. Here are some of the highlights:

  • 2,707 individuals engaged in plan meetings and events

  • 3,468 pieces of feedback collected

  • 2,524 hours of committed community participation

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